Friday, June 17, 2011


About 6 months ago my job-share partner, Debbie, told me that she was going to be moving and staying home with her kids after the school year. My heart about dropped. She was an awesome partner and I was hoping that we would be able to job share for many years. Fortunately there was another teacher (Wendi McGrath) that I was in contact with who was in the same position as me. She has a young daughter and was job sharing and her job share partner moved mid-year. Perfect, right? We started talking to HR and administration to get something set for next school year. Sounds simple, but it has been very stressful trying to get it all worked out. After 6 months of back-and-forths and thinking it was going to happen then being let down we finally have our plans for next year. I will be teaching 5th grade at Sierra Elementary where Wendi worked last year. I'll be working every other Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays. At first the whole idea of switching schools and grades stressed me out a bit, but now that it has sunk in I think it is going to be perfect. It's close to my house, our daycare provider is on the way, and the school has an incredibly supportive administration and community. From what I've heard and seen it's one of the best schools in Kyrene. I'm hoping I'll be there for a long time so that Blake and Emerson can go to school there with me! Not to mention that Wendi is an amazing teacher and has taught 5th for several years. I kept telling myself that things have a way of working out for the best. Once again that proves to be true!

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