Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busy Week!

I have been so behind on my blogging! Sorry to my faithful blog followers (mom)! You'd think I would have more time since I'm out of school for the summer, but it's just the opposite. We've been beyond busy each and every day. We are trying to go to the ranch or cabin as many weekends as possible this summer. I have the kids signed up for all kinds of fun enrichment mommy and me classes. We have an early literacy class at the library on Mondays, a movement class on Thursdays and a music class on Fridays. Next week we start swimming on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. In between the classes we have been getting use of our museum memberships and seeing friends for play dates. FUN, FUN, FUN! There is nothing I like better than throwing on a tank top, cut-offs, flip flops, hair in a p0nytail and out the door with my two favorite 2 year olds! I'm loving just being "Mom" and taking off my teacher hat for a few months.
The Sea Life Aquarium

Phoenix Children's Museum

Frozen Yogurt with Lexi and Charlotte

Peter Piper Pizza

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