Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Visit with Brian, Stacey and Braden

My brother and sister-in-law and their son, Braden, were in town for the weekend. It was really nice spending time with them and catching up. We hadn't seen them since March! Braden is now 2 1/2 and SO cute and funny. Blake had a great time playing and learning from his "big" cousin. Emerson was sick the whole weekend with a sore throat. She didn't play at all, was fussy and wanted to be held most of the time. This kept us from doing a lot, but it we still had a nice time just hanging out. It was great having a pediatrician right here to give me advice! Thank you, Stacey, for helping out with little Miss Emerson and coming to Urgent Care with us. We love you all and hope you come back again soon. We all promise to be healthy next time:)

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