Friday, August 7, 2009

Back to school

This has been a very busy week. I spent the week in meetings and setting up my FIRST GRADE classroom. Last night was "meet the teacher" and I was able to meet 21 out of my 24 students. This is the largest class I've ever had, but they seem like really sweet kids and nice families. I even have two sets of twins, one boy/girl and two girls! The beginning of the year is always very busy and a little chaotic, but I do love the sharp pencils and crayons, straight chairs, and new little shy faces. None of those last long!
It is heartbreaking to leave the babies each morning, but I am so fortunate to know that they are in the great care of my parents all day. They have been having a blast with Grammy and Grandpa!


BlackwoodBlog said...

Wow Debbie, your classroom looks AMAZING! I am beyond impressed. Can you believe I have a little girl starting the first grade. Never thought we would be this "mature" during our UofA days:)

Kari said...

Aaaah... I loved getting the classroom all ready and decorated too! It looks like you and I have the same taste... my room was always covered wall-to-wall with bulletin boards! My last year of teaching (year before last) they told us at the end of the year that we could only have 50% of our wall space covered- YUCK! I'm so glad I was gone last year... I seriously don't think I could have handled bare walls! :P

Good luck today! And your very lucky to have your parents watching Blake and Emerson-- I couldn't imagine anybody else but my parents watching mine too! =)

PryorPack said...

Hi, I'm Kari and Greg's sister-in-law. I clicked on your blog from Kari's. Your room looks great (I'm a teacher too). Enjoy your school year!!