Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Emerson is 6 months!

Our little peanut is 6 months- hard to believe! The best way to describe her is "cute as a button". She loves to talk and laugh. She has also been trying to crawl. It is the cutest thing you could ever see. She gets onto her hands and knees, rocks back and forth, moves a few steps then face plants. She is very active...always wiggling and rolling. We will be chasing her before we know it! She still loves songs and stories, playing in her exersaucer, and her swing. Her all time favorite activity is playing with her big brother. She saves some of her best smiles for Blake!
Emerson's 6 month stats-
weight- 14 pounds 13 ounces- 25th percentile
length- 26 inches- 60th percentile

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