Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blake is 6 months!

Our little cowboy isn't so little anymore! What happened to my 6 pound baby boy? Blake is growing so fast it is unbelievable. He is our sweet little man. Blake enjoys rolling around, playing with his sister, playing with balls, petting Sonora, watching bubbles and most of all chewing on his fingers. I think those little teeth aren't too far away!
Blake's 6 month stats
weight- 18 pounds 6 ounces- 60th percentile
length- 27 inches- 75th percentile

1 comment:

Kari said...

Whoa! He's a big moose too! It must be that Blue-eyed, blonde hair, boy thing! haha =)

My little Bean is very much like Emerson... isn't it funny how different their weights can be??

They're such cuties! I love checkin' in on them! Let me know if you guys ever make it out to CA-- it would make for some pretty cute pictures and some super fun!