Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy 4 month birthday Emerson!

Our amazing little Emerson (a.k.a. Em, Peaches, Darlin', Little Love) is 4 months! She is just beautiful and doing so much. Her favorite toy is the jump swing. She loves the water (swimming and baths), being read to, singing silly songs and enjoys listening to her daddy play the guitar. She "talks" all the time and is starting to giggle. It is the cutest girly giggle you will ever hear! Emerson's smile sparkles and lights up the room. She is a very happy baby!
12lbs, 6oz (25th percentile for weight)
24 1/2" (60th percentile for height)

1 comment:

Kari said...

Oh, she is a sweetie! They're getting to that stage where they become SO much fun! =) Isn't it the sweetest thing to hear them giggle? I can't get enough of it!
