Sunday, June 7, 2009

Miracles can (and do) happen!!!!!!

Well, we knew we wanted to go up north for the weekend and we were deciding between the ranch in Prescott or the cabin in Payson. We decided to go to the ranch and headed up to Prescott on Friday evening. Jeremy's brother's family went to the cabin. Shortly after we arrived at the ranch, we received a call from John. He told us that when they pulled up to the cabin they saw DAISY in the neighbors driveway!!!!! Of course I immediately wanted to drive to the cabin. But, it is a long and windy road so we left in the morning. We picked Daisy up in Payson and then headed home. It is truly a dream come true! After being gone for two weeks she is alive and she is well. She's very skinny and has scratches all over her feet, legs, ears and belly. But, she's happy and eating and drinking a lot of water. We can't imagine what she went through. Payson has had some harsh weather in the past few weeks. Daisy hates to be cold or wet and she's scared of thunder. She miraculously was able to stay out of the path of the bears and mountain lions in the area. She's a fighter! She is home and we couldn't be happier!!! Thank you John and Tina for taking good care of her when you found her!

Our crazy Daisy!

Daisy took an afternoon nap next to Sonora and stayed there until the babies woke up from their nap

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