Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy 4 month birthday Blake!

Our sweet Blake (a.k.a. Little Man, Buddy, Buster, Big Brother) is 4 months! He is growing so fast and is such an amazing little boy. He still loves to cuddle and is definitely a momma's boy. He also still looks like me but is changing more and more each day and starting to look a little like Jeremy. He is getting strong and enjoys practicing rolling over, sitting and standing. Blake's favorite toy is the exersaucer. He is using his hands to pick up objects and push buttons, but he mostly likes to put his fingers in his mouth! He is very mellow and takes in everything around him. I give him about a hundred kisses a day....he is just so cute!
15lb 6oz (60th percentile for weight)
25 3/4" (80th percentile for height)

1 comment:

Kari said...

WOW! Look at him hold that head up! So strong! And I love that hat! Evan has one just like that and I love it! Where did you get that one?