Sunday, July 4, 2010

Weekend at the cabin

Ainsley and Emerson

Chance helping Blake find a perfect stick to hold.

Blake giving Sonora the perfect stick to hold:)

It's tiring playing in the dirt!

Happy Nature Girl

Fun in the leaves!

Our beautiful Miss Ainsley

Exploring the creek

Happy Little Monkeys

We kicked off the holiday weekend with a trip to the cabin with John, Chance and Ainsley. We weren't sure how the babies would do, but it actually went okay. They slept well except for waking up way before normal. We went for a few walks and took all the kids for a little outing to a place to explore the creek where it wasn't running so hard. The creek behind the cabin was running very fast so we did a bit of chasing after the babies to not head in that direction. They are still too young to fully enjoy all the cabin has to offer, but Jeremy and I are looking forward to adventures with them when they get a little older. We drove back to Phoenix midday on Sunday with intentions of heading out to see fireworks, but the kids were tired and we decided to just relax and BBQ. Happy 4th of July!

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