Sunday, May 30, 2010

Goodbye Grammy and Grandpa!

My parents left today after being here all school year. Jeremy and I are so deeply grateful it's hard to put it into words. When I first found out that I was having twins my biggest and only concern was having to put them into day care as infants and being able to afford a quality dare care. Not long after, my parents announced that they were retiring to Phoenix and they would watch the babies. Jeremy and I were able to go to work every day this year knowing our precious babies were in the very best, loving hands. Blake and Emerson have felt nothing but pure joy, love and contentment from the minute they were born. Their Grammy and Grandpa have a lot to do with that. It is so wonderful to see the special bond between my children and my parents. Mom and Dad- You put your lives on hold to be here to support us this year. I can't describe how much it meant to us. This is my long way of saying thank you and we love you!

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