Thursday, February 18, 2010

Emerson at 1 year

Weight- 18 lb. 4 oz (10th percentile)
Length- 29 1/4 (60th percentile)
Head- 17 1/2- (35th percentile)

Emerson is one! Our fun little princess is always on the go. She loves to be chased, dance, climb, play on Grammy and Grandpa's bed and she especially loves to read books. She has several favorites and will go pick one and bring it to you. She has a beautiful smile and giggle that she shows off all throughout the day. Emerson is very social. She likes to be around people and other kids and she talks all the time. She squeals and imitates sounds we make. She says "Dada" and she can also tell you the sounds a dog, cow, sheep and kitty cat make. She can point to your nose, toes and ears. She also knows doggy and teddy bear. The list is growing each day! She has two teeth on bottom and that's all she seems to need, because she eats just about anything. She actually surprises me with some some foods she likes such as olives, tomatoes and pickles. Occasionally she will decide not to eat something for a particular meal but she very well may like it the next day. Emerson is very spunky. She loves to be the center of attention. Happy 1st Birthday dear daughter. We love you!

1 comment:

Kari said...

What a sweet little girl! It's so fun to hear about all the things they're doing! =)