Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Twins Are 3 Months!!!!

It's hard to believe that Blake and Emerson are 3 months! They are getting so big and it's amazing to see how quickly they are growing and learning. They are best buds and we often find them cuddling, holding hands or arm in arm...sooooooooo sweet! AND- they are just about sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!!!! For the past week they have made it between 6-8 hours. They are just precious and I'm counting down the days (4 more!) until school is out and I can spend the summer with them.

1 comment:

Kari said...

They're just beautiful! Doesn't time just fly by? Ugh. Ella and Evan just turned 5 months! Happening too fast! :(

Congrats on the sleeping, too! I was so excited to get solid junks of time to sleep... felt SO good! =)