Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Bob and Peggy's house with John and Taylor's family in from London. The cousins all had some crazy fun!
Pierce and Blake
Pierce lost his very first tooth during dinner!

Time for presents...LOTS of presents:)

Christmas jammies for everyone

Peyton, Parker, and Pierce were very excited to get cameras. Now they can take pictures of their European adventures!

The EXTRA SPECIAL present from Grammy- Peggy had teddy bears for all the granddaughters made from their great-grandmother's (Bama) mink coat. The hands, feet, and scarves on the bear are all made from the coat's lining. They are gorgeous and the girls all treasure these special bears. Emerson's bear is named Minky, Parker named hers Shakespeare, and Peyton named her bear Button.
Back at home sprinkling our reindeer food outside.

Cookies and eggnog out for Santa and bedtime.

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