Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Story of our Nights

Reading some books before bed

"passed out"

Emmie-Belle tucked back into her own bed

Such a big boy in his big boy bed!

SO- about 2 months ago Blake climbed out of his crib 3 times in one night. At the time I started doing some research on what to do next. Should we use a crib tent or convert his bed??? I didn't like the idea of either one, so we decided to give it some time. Well, he never did it again after that....until last week. Last week I suppose he remembered that he was able to climb out because he did it over and over and over again. One night it went on for an hour and a half! He thought it was hysterical. I, however, did not find it hysterical- especially when he showed up in our room at 5:30 in the morning. Jeremy and I decided that we should convert his crib into a toddler bed and change the lock to the outside to keep him in there. The first night we all read stories in Blake's bed. Then I explained to Blake that he was now in a big boy bed and he had to stay in his bed like a big boy, put him into bed, locked the door, and hoped for the best. I thought, "well at least Emerson isn't climbing out too!" Then, about 2 minutes later I heard them BOTH running around the room laughing. Yes- Emerson chose the first night her brother was in a big boy bed to be the same night that she would try climbing out. We decided to just let them be until they fell asleep. We heard them giggling and moving around the room. I would have loved to have a camera in there to watch them:) It went on for 45 minutes until we heard silence. Then, we went in the room not sure what we were going to find. I was shocked to see that they hadn't turned the room upside down. In fact, there was no mess at all. The babies were the cutest things EVER. They had both fallen asleep on Blake's bed. Emerson was sprawled out and Blake was hanging over the end. Adorable! So, of course I took several pictures and then tucked them both in. Blake slept through the night without getting up...good boy! Night number 2- Emerson did not climb out. Blake fell asleep after 30 minutes. Night number 3 (last night)- Blake fell asleep after only 15 minutes. I'm hoping this is a pattern and Blake will fall asleep right away tonight!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

THIS is why we live in Arizona!

Emerson being silly on the grass in our backyard.

Blake and Emerson giving each other knuckles after a game of tee-ball.

Sharing a snack at the park


The Zoo Playground
Emerson distracted at the slide by the letters she's been learning. She let all the kids go by her until she pointed out all the letters she knows.

Blake enjoying driving the truck...
until Little Miss decided she wanted to drive the truck.

And the struggle begins...
I have a feeling this won't be the last time they fight over who gets the car!

Blake won!

Emerson chose the slide instead. Yes, she prefers to go head first.

And another park

Emerson fell asleep during dinner after one of our park outings. I can't remember the last time that happened!

It has been so beautiful all week, in the 70's! We have spent the week park hoppin' with friends and are having a blast. The best part is that I've had a week off. I love working part-time and I love Arizona winters!