Monday, June 14, 2010

16 Months Old!!!

Wow! Blake and Emerson are already 16 months old. It's amazing to think back a year and how much they have grown and changed. Last summer our days consisted of activities surrounding their "every 3 hours" nap schedule. In the morning they rotated between their door swing, tummy time, exersaucers and playtime in their bumbo seats. In the afternoon we would go for a walk (usually at the mall!) then have storytime and musictime in their room. Fast forward to now...library on Mondays, Little Gym and (starting tomorrow) swim class on Tuesdays, playdates on Wednesdays, indoor gym time and swim class on Thursdays, music class on Fridays, Little Gym again on Saturdays....and that's just what we do in the morning! They are busy, busy little ones and full of life, energy and fun. Their language development has taken off in the last month. I love that they are now able to communicate! It seems like every few days they master a new word, animal sound or sign- it is so much fun to watch them learn!!!! Just as exciting is that they are able to understand just about everything I say. Their new favorite activity is to clean up....doesn't get much better than that:))))

animal sounds they can make- owl, horse, dog, cat, cow, sheep, lion, snake, monkey (Emerson also knows frog, duck and bee)
*once one of them learns a new sound/word/sign the other one is usually only a few days later. I love how they observe and learn from each other!

words they can say- Dada, Momma, banana, ball, night night, water, bubble, pop, hi, bye bye, Barney
(Blake usually has a "word or two of the week" that he says over and over. This week it is "hot" and "up")- Every time we go outside or get in the car he says "hot"- Yep an Arizona boy!

Signs they know- fish, more, please, thank you, all done
(Emerson also knows hungry, thirsty and help)

*My current Mommy challenge- eliminate Emmie-Belle's nighttime pacifier...ugh!

We sure love these little monkeys!!!!!!

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