Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blake at 9 months!

How big is Blake??? Soooo big!!!

On a big boy swing with daddy

loves to give high 5's

cuddly buddy

not for babies, Blakey

cuddles at the park

* weight- 22 lbs. 2 oz (75th percentile)
* length- 29 3/4 (95th percentile)
* head- 17 3/4 (40th percentile)
*FIRST WORD- "MaMa" "Mom" :)
* can walk across the room holding onto pushing toys
* has 4 teeth (2 on the bottom, 2 on top)
* loves puff snacks
* dislikes having his mouth wiped
* can stand playing for a very long time, can reach down to pick up toys- strong!
* hasn't liked pacifiers since he was about a month, but now picks them up and out of his sister's mouth to chew on
* beautiful blue eyes and blond hair (straight with a little wave)
* often has bumps and bruises
* loves his dog Sonora
* enjoys listening to the songs on Barney
* LOVES his bottle and holds it on his own
* claps his hands
* learning to wave bye-bye and practices in his crib at night
* when we ask, "How big is Blake?" he lifts his arms up "SO BIG!"
* smiles easily
* very easy going and go with the flow
* sleeps from about 8:00pm- 7:00am
* usually sleeps through the night, but needs a bottle around 5:30am
* likes to cuddle for 5-10min. after he wakes from a nap (precious moments)
* loves to play with toys
* can cruise along the entire couch and transfer from one standing toy to another (Yikes- I know what's coming next!)

We love you little man! You bring us so much joy!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Blake and Evan's descriptions sound so much the same-- I wish we lived close enough so that they could be friends! =)

Evan gives Greg "5" too and it's the cutest thing. And I love watching them wave. Evan does it with hand, opening and closing his fingers, but Ella will do her whole arm sometimes. She also likes to wave with both arms at times! =)

They're getting so big, so fast! Time is really flyin'!