Monday, September 21, 2009

Congrats Tom and Carrie!

High School Buddies
I love this picture!
The happy newliweds!
Tom and Jeremy showing off their "jewelry"
Jeremy giving words of advice on marriage:-)
Our beautiful table centerpiece

Jeremy and I headed out to San Diego on Friday and drove up to Temecula. We had such a fun weekend with friends and enjoying lots of wine. Saturday morning we spent some time driving around and stopping at wineries. Saturday night Jeremy was the best man in our friends, Tom and Carrie's, wedding. I accidentally deleted all the amazing pictures I had from Saturday morning (too much wine I think!) but I do have the pictures from the wedding. It was our first weekend away from the babies. We had a nice time enjoying each other, but we sure missed our little peanut heads! It was a very fun and very beautiful weekend!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time! It's hard leaving these little ones, but boy, I'm gettin' the itch again-- haha! =)