Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Over the weekend I went into the babies room to get them after their morning nap. There was Emerson...standing! So we realized the time had come to lower their cribs. These pictures were taken after their afternoon nap. We hadn't put their bumpers back on after lowering the crib. We went in their room and they were both looking through the slots of their cribs smiling at each other. So, of course, out came the camera! It has only been a few days since then and now Emerson is pulling herself up all the time. Blake can stand for a long amout of time but has not pulled himself up yet.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The twins are 7 months!

Emerson at 7 months
Blake at 7 months
Loves his toes!
Hangin' with Grandpa and Grammy
Using Sonora to help her stand:)
More playing

One of Blake's favorite toys
Crawling across the room!

All ready to swim

How time is flying! I say that every month, but time seems to go by quicker every month. The babies are doing so many BIG things now. We are amazed daily!
BLAKE...got a tooth today!!! His bottom right tooth popped through just a little bit. It doesn't seem to bother him a bit. No fever and no fussing...yeah! He is sitting up perfectly. Occassionally he will topple over, but that doesn't seem to bother him either. In fact, not much bothers Blake. He is a "go with the flow" kind of boy. He loves his dog dog, Sonora. He loves to see his little sister in the morning. Every morning they spend some time in one of their cribs together. Emerson rolls all over Blake and he just smiles and smiles. She can even be a little rough occassionally kicking or poking him. But, he is very tolerant and lets his little sister do her thing...SO CUTE! Blake has started to get on all fours and rock back and forth. He has crawled a step or two but he has realized that he can get where he wants to go much faster by rolling. He is very good and coordinated with his hands and likes to examine his toys and anything else he can get his hands on. He is still very cuddly and very sweet! He is growing so fast. I love his little chubby thighs and cheeks!

EMERSON- is crawling!!! On her 6 month birthday she started by the rocking and moving a few steps. Each week she did a little bit more being cautious as can be. But, now she is a crawler. She can go across the room without thinking about it. At first she would stop after a little bit and rest on her hand almost sitting up. Now she can fully get herself into a sitting position. Today she leaned on Sonora and pushed herself into a standing position. She is a smart girl finding a place to stand that has a soft landing:) I LOVE this stage! It is adorable watching her little body start to get around. We have to completely baby proof the house this weekend! Emerson can be very serious at times. She takes in everything around her and always seems to know what's going on. She can also be incredibly silly. If she is in one of those moods she will crack up at just about anything. She is also waving bye-bye and "talks" all the time. She is very long and lean and she is finally starting to get a little bit of hair. For the longest time she just had a little strawberry patch on the back of head, but now it is coming in a darker blonde with a little hint of strawberry.

They are both very good eaters. They love any and all fruit. They also like yams, squash, zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower. They recently started eating turkey and lentils. We are also starting to practice drinking water out of sippy cups and they have tried little Gerber finger foods. It's so much fun to see them experiment with all these new "big" things!

They are beautiful, wonderful babies and I LOVE- LOVE -LOVE being their mom!!! It gets more and more difficult for me to go to work every day although I love my job. I'm praying that I am able to job share next year and spend more time at home with the babies!

Congrats Tom and Carrie!

High School Buddies
I love this picture!
The happy newliweds!
Tom and Jeremy showing off their "jewelry"
Jeremy giving words of advice on marriage:-)
Our beautiful table centerpiece

Jeremy and I headed out to San Diego on Friday and drove up to Temecula. We had such a fun weekend with friends and enjoying lots of wine. Saturday morning we spent some time driving around and stopping at wineries. Saturday night Jeremy was the best man in our friends, Tom and Carrie's, wedding. I accidentally deleted all the amazing pictures I had from Saturday morning (too much wine I think!) but I do have the pictures from the wedding. It was our first weekend away from the babies. We had a nice time enjoying each other, but we sure missed our little peanut heads! It was a very fun and very beautiful weekend!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

more cute pics

Are these babies up to something???
Our sweet little boy- always drooling!

A little playtime before swimming!

Blake's favorite toy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Another fun weekend at the cabin!