Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ranch Weekend

Blake pointing at the clouds overhead predicting a storm...he was right!

Savannah may have had the most fun of us all on this trip. I think she's going to sleep for the next several days!

The cowboy way:)


Pretty Em...this is the FAVORITE dress these days- I think this was day 5 of her wearing it!

Love watching the summer sunsets from the porch swing with a glass of wine!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Beautiful Cabin Weekend

 We were finally able to make it to the cabin and we picked the perfect weekend. Usually it's disappointing when the water is low, but the low water made it so much fun for the kids. They could walk through the creek and explore without the fear of being washed away.

 It started raining at about 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning and continued until the early afternoon. The rain picked up again about 6:00 p.m. It was the perfect, calm, steady, let's-play-in-it kind of rain. The kiddos put on their rain boots and splashed away. :)

 When the rain starting pouring a bit harder the kids played some games on the porch and I was able to read. Such a relaxing afternoon!

All the necessities for a hike!

The berries are starting to come in. They should be perfect when we go back in a couple of weeks.

FUN weekend! We're trying to live it up each day and weekend. School days are right around the corner!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Quarter's Worth

Me: "Blake, if you can tell me what coin this is, you can keep it."
Blake: "It's a quarter!"
Me: "Great! Do you know what its value is?"
Blake: "25 minutes!"
Me: "I wish!"
And, of course, after Blake had his picture taken with a quarter, Emmie wanted her picture taken with a quarter too. :)

Happy Thursday!