Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Night at Grammy and Bob Bobs

We headed over to Bob and Peggy's house on Sunday afternoon. Peggy had a small egg hunt in the front yard and lots of eggs for the backyard. But, first Blake and Emerson got ANOTHER Easter basket from Grammy! Are they spoiled or what?!

Peggy prepared a wonderful dinner and had an early birthday celebration planned for Jeremy. The kids helped him blow out the candles and all three of them picked a cherry off the top before the rest of us dug in.

Thank you for such a wonderful evening Bob and Peggy!!!!

Easter Morning

Easter morning the kids were very excited to see what the bunny did with their eggs. It was an extra special surprise to learn they each had a basket of goodies from the Easter bunny too! They loved looked through their Easter baskets and then going outside to find all the eggs. Emerson was hysterical. She only wanted pink and purple eggs, so if she found any other color she brought it to Blake and said, "Here, Buddy." Then it was inside for some breakfast and off to church. They came home, took a good nap and got ready for some more fun at Grammy and Bob Bob's house.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mother Nature's Farm

Yesterday we took advantage of the beautiful morning and set off to Mother Nature's Farm with Aunt Barbi.

The kids got to feed and look at all kinds of farm animals.

Their was a maze for the kids to go through.

They had games and prizes for the little ones.

The highlight of the trip was face painting!

Emerson chose a flower.

Blake chose a tractor. They both sat perfectly still while they were having their faces painted for the first time!

Very cute:))))

B & E sitting in the back of the tractor for a hay ride.

Thanks for hanging out with us Aunt Barbi!