Thursday, March 24, 2011

South Mountain Hike

Blake and Emerson went on their first real hike/desert walk yesterday! It was a gorgeous day and I thought it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. They LOVED pointing out everything they knew in the desert and enjoyed learning new things. Blake kept pointing at plants and animals saying, "awesome!" We actually even went up a little mountain. One thing I love about them getting older is that they can start enjoying and joining us in some of the activities we love. I'm sure this is the first of many hikes I will take with my two lovelies!

Picnic with Lexi

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pigtails and Butterflies!

On Monday we took Robyn and Alexis to the Desert Botanical Gardens to see the butterfly exhibit. The most exciting part (for me) was that Miss Emmie-Belle wore pigtails for the first time! She looked absolutely adorable and now I'm obsessed. I must have taken 20 pictures just of the back of her head. I still put them in a little lumpy and lopsided, but with practice I'm sure I can perfect the look:-D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ranch Weekend

This past weekend was the first weekend of Spring Break for me. My best friend from college, Robyn, and her daughter, Alexis, came in town from New Jersey. We all headed for the ranch for the weekend. John, Chance, and Ainsley were also there. We had a great time just hanging out and watching the kids explore and become friends! I was happy to finally get some new pictures of Blake and Emerson. Enjoy!