Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blake at the Ranch

We went to the ranch over the weekend so that Jeremy could bike in the Whiskey Race in Prescott. It was a beautiful weekend. Blake has more fun at the ranch than anywhere else. It brings out all the boy in him! He played and played and played. He slept for over an hour on the way home and took a 3 hour nap when we got home! We hope to go back soon:)

Emerson at the Ranch

Emerson truly loves flowers and spent a lot of the weekend looking at and touching the flowers around the ranch.

My sister made Emmie-Belle this beautiful tutu skirt. She was going to wear it on her birthday but she wasn't fully walking then. I brought it to the ranch in hopes to get some good pictures of her wearing it. So super cute...she felt very special:0)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday at the park

On Saturday my multiples club had a picnic party at the park. The park had a water area. The babies weren't sure about it at first. But, they quickly got the hang of it and had a blast. I have a feeling we will be doing a lot more of this now that it is getting hotter!

Emerson- 14 months!

Emerson sometimes has a fussy period right after dinner. Her favorite thing to do at this time is go outside with Daddy to look at and eat the tomatoes Daddy is growing. She also loves flowers. Daddy picks beautiful flowers for her to wear in her hair.

Look at these cute little legs! are we doing on the bottle situation?

This good!

Blake- 14 months!

He often sucks in his cheeks like cute!

Still likes to taste his toys before playing:)

Watching Barney- still his favorite show although he is showing interest in Sesame Street.

Faces forward in the car now which I love. It's so fun to be able to talk to him and see his beautiful smile! Little Missy is still in her infant seat.

Such a big boy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our new fave

Emerson was sick with a virus all weekend. The only thing she tolerated other than being held by me was riding in her new wagon. Therefore, we took a LOT of walks. Thanks for the fun wagon, Grammy and Grandpa. We love it!

Emerson is now feeling better and we're all crossing our fingers that Blake doesn't catch what she had!

Emerson is walking!

They are both different directions of course!

Bud Bud cheering her on.

2 weeks ago (I know- late post) Emerson decided she was through with crawling. She started taking steps in January but still crawled as her main way of getting around. I think when she saw Blake walking she wanted to keep up! She started by taking slow and steady steps with her arms out in front of her- much like a robot! Now, two weeks later, she can run when she wants to. It is amazing to witness these incredible milestones. Great job, Emmie-Belle. We are so proud of you!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

The babies' first Easter baskets...SO, SO, SO much fun!
Just a few of the 8 baskets the bunny left
Emerson just seemed to know this one was for her.

They had a great time taking all their goodies out.

Presents from Grammy.
And MORE presents from Grammy.

Time to find the Easter eggs.

"Stop taking all these pictures, Mom!"
All the kiddos looking for their eggs. The ranch has to be the best place ever for an Easter egg hunt!
Emerson finding her first Easter egg.

Blake finding his first Easter egg.

Blake is always happiest with one fun toy in each hand:)

Look at Pierce!
Chase found a lot too!

Overall results...2 for Emerson, 3 for Blake. Good Job!

Parker starting to organize all her goodies.

Then, some rides from Uncle Taylor.

The 2 sets of twins in the family; Uncle Tim and Uncle Jim, Blake and Emerson
Grammy and Poppy Bobby with all the kiddos.


Happy Easter!