I can't believe I'm already in my third trimester. Time is flying! I've been told that the third trimester is when twin pregnancies start to get a little more tricky and risky. I got a little taste of that this week. I had my 27 week appt. with the specialist on Wednesday. The babies are big- Blake is 2.8 lbs (83rd percentile) and Emerson is 2.5 lbs (58th percentile) and they are developing perfectly. The specialist did have a concern with the length of my cervix. At this point, it should be around 3cm. It was measuring between 1.8 and 2.2 cm. So, she had me go to my doctor, who had me go to the hospital. At the hospital they did another ultrasound and a nonstress test (NST). Basically, I was hooked up to a machine to monitor my body and the babies. The babies were moving all around indicating that they were happy as can be and not under any stress. My body also passed the test. I did have one contraction during the monitoring, but they said that was normal at this point. I was VERY happy to hear that I was not going to be put on bed rest, but I do need to start limiting my activity. I will also be going for more testing every week- the joys of pregnancy!