Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Chance and Ainsley

"Thanks for the new toy, Grammy and Grandpa. We played with it all weekend!"

"When are these babies coming? We're ready to play!"

We spent Thanksgiving at Jeremy's parents house with lots of relatives. Then we drove to my aunt's house to visit for a while. On Friday, Jeremy and I drove to the ranch in Prescott. We enjoyed the cool weather and playing with the dogs. It was great having a relaxing long weekend!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

6 months!

Blake Michael- 1.5 lbs

Emerson Hazel- 1.3 lbs

The ever-growing pink and blue wardrobe
It's been a while since I've updated- sorry! We've been busy! Jeremy started a new job- more money and a MUCH better working environment. When we're not working, we've been busy doing little home improvement projects. Our baby furniture was delivered and we finally found a way to arrange the room so all the furniture fits with room left over for a big, comfortable rocker recliner. That should arrive in about 8 wks.
I'm now in what is the "honeymoon period" of pregnancy. This must be the stage moms refer to when they say they love being pregnant. I'm feeling great and LOVING watching and feeling the babies move. I call Jeremy over to look all the time and we just stare at my belly in amazement! My back has starting hurting a bit, but it's nothing a warm bath can't fix:)
As the doctor put it, our growing miracles are picture perfect! They are right along where singleton babies are at this stage with their weight and height. The docs are keeping a close eye on me though. I now see my doctor every two weeks and the specialist every four weeks. I was also just informed that at 32 weeks I will start having to go to the hospital 2X per week for an hour for fetal monitoring. So there will be some weeks where I will have 4 appointments in a week! It's a lot, but I'm glad we're keeping a close eye on the babies.
We also came up with middle names for the twins. Blake's middle name is going to be Michael, which is Jeremy's middle name. We decided on Hazel as Emerson's middle name. Hazel is in honor of Jeremy's grandfather, Peggy's dad.
That's all for now. We wish you all a lovely Thanksgiving surrounded by friends and family!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Danielle's 30th Birthday

Last night we headed to Maggiano's for Danielle's 30th Birthday Party. We had a fun night of catching up with my high school friends, eating, and attempting to solve the murder mystery. Happy Birthday Danielle! Thanks for a fun night!