Sunday, July 20, 2008


The only day more exciting than my wedding day and the day I found out I was pregnant was the day Jeremy and I went to see our first ultrasound. I had my list of questions and I was ready to see the first picture (and heartbeat) of the newest member of our little family. The nurse practitioner began the ultrasound. She was showing us all my body parts on the screen and then we could see a little flutter. She told us that was our baby. Then she asked me to lean back a little more. She said, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I had no idea what I was seeing. Then, a moment I'll never forget. She said, "There are two in there. You're having twins!!!!" I don't remember too much after that. I started crying and I've never seen such a smile and excitement on Jeremy's face. Then, he was worried about me. Was it a good cry, bad cry? I assured him definately a good cry- with a little shock mixed in! They both had heartbeats and looked good and healthy. One is 5.9mm and one is 7.5mm. I am about 7 weeks along and have a due date of March 6. Needless to say I forget to pull out my list of questions after the big news. Maybe next time:)